Turmeric Paste Benefits: The Golden Paste Recipe for Success
Turmeric Paste for People Turmeric Paste for Pets

Cooked Organic Turmeric with Freshly Ground Black Pepper (Piperine) and Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Dr. Doug’s Golden Paste Recipe is founded in the fact that turmeric is not water soluble and therefore not easily absorbed by the bodies of humans, dogs, cats, horses and all animals.
To gain Golden Paste health benefits offered by turmeric’s powerful healing properties, the Golden Paste recipe has proven 3-key principles: turmeric must be cooked with water to break down its starches thereby releasing active ingredients and once cooled, must be combined with Piperine (black pepper) and a healthy fat to vastly improve absorption and retention in the body (bioavailability).
Our Turmeric Golden Paste is a ready-made premium Turmeric Paste formulated using Dr. Doug’s proven Golden Paste recipe but including organic turmeric with +5.1% curcumin (not readily available), additional complimentary natural health ingredients and without the mess and staining. It’s bioavailable formula for better absorption and retention fights inflammation, boosts immunity, aids digestive and cellular disorders, heart, liver, eye, skin and coat health, lowers cholesterol, promotes mental health, supports disease prevention and is an antioxidant and anti-aging.
Turmeric Paste Benefits
The Difference between Turmeric Capsules/ Supplements and “Turmeric Golden Paste”
A lot of Turmeric capsules, pills, tonics and drinks are not very effective and sometimes a waste of money. This is because the active compounds like curcuminoids are not easily absorbed by the body without assistance.
Turmeric is not water-soluble and cannot be absorbed via the same pathways as water-based foods. So, it must be combined with a healthy fat, like Extra Virgin Olive oil, to dissolve the Turmeric in the stomach and allow the body to absorb the active components. Turmeric without an oil is ineffective.
Piperine found in Black Pepper slows the conversion of Curcumin in the small intestine allowing more time for absorption and therefore a far larger uptake. So, Turmeric without Black Pepper won’t have a high absorption rate.
Turmeric needs to be heated with water. Studies show that cooking Turmeric increases its solubility in water, it also breaks down the starches found in Turmeric before the digestion process starts which means more active ingredients are available for absorption than raw or powdered Turmeric.
For further info, please see Choosing the Best Turmeric Supplements that Actually Work, There's More to the Healing Power of Turmeric and The Risk and Rewards of the Turmeric Health Phenomenon.
The And specifically for Golden Paste for Dogs, Cats, Horses and all Pets, please see Turmeric Golden Paste for Pets: A Natural Remedy for Health
Best Curcumin Supplement
Turmeric is the rhizome of the Curcuma Longa plant. Curcumin is just one of three active curcuminoids found in Turmeric, so by only having a Curcumin supplement you are missing out on all the other pharmacological benefits of Turmeric including Turmerones.
Whole fruits and vegetables possess valuable properties and should be eaten in their whole original form. To extract Bromelain and make it into a supplement is never as healthy as eating a pineapple. To extract Curcumin is never as healthy as eating the whole Turmeric.
The extraction of Curcumin as a substitute for Turmeric is often processed by large Pharmaceutical companies so they can add certain components and patent pills and supplements. In reality, Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda traditional medicines.
High concentration capsules of Curcumin are often far higher than the body can use and no research on long term health risks are available. Whereas Turmeric is not a drug but an ancient food and that can be consumed daily for your whole lifespan.
Choosing correct levels of curcumin and the risks associated with high level supplements is confirmed by this Johns Hopkins Medicine Turmeric Benefits expert review (But please be aware regarding the recipes, it is recommended to consume turmeric with a healthy oil and not to cook with the black pepper as heat destroys Piperine and thereby decreases bioavailability).
How much should be taken daily:
The amount of curcumin included in Turmeric Golden Paste is ideal compared to say Concentrated 90% curcumin extract capsules with inflated mgs.
Standard turmeric contains 2 to 3% of curcumin but the industry standard for turmeric containing higher levels of curcumin is +5.1% which ranges from 5.1% to 9% and this is the turmeric we source for our paste.
1 x 5g teaspoon contains 1000mg of turmeric and 51mg of curcumin at 5.1% (most likely it's higher as this is the standard minimum permitted in the tests). 3 x Teaspoons per day will contain between 153mg and approx. 210mg (using % avg.) perfectly aligned with the generally acceptable daily intake of curcumin for a 70 Kg person being around 200mg.
However, it's also generally accepted for more severe health issues, like cancers, taking effective dosages of around 1000mg curcumin per day should not lead to any adverse effects over a limited period.
Key Points:
Bioavailability - When consuming curcumin by itself in a pill or capsule, one would be lucky to get more than a fraction of absorption compared to consuming through the effective formulation of Golden Paste.
The companies offering highly elevated amounts in their curcumin extract capsules are using it as a consumer perception marketing tool, aware that most will be a 'byproduct' but if they were effective, these could prove to be overprescribed levels of intake leading to longer term health risks.
Golden Paste uses the whole turmeric, so you get not only the curcumin but all the other active and supporting compounds in turmeric.
Even Dr. Doug himself offered a curcumin capsule supplement for cases of chronic pain and inflammation but these are recommended at 400mg per dose and he warns they should not be taken on their own as nutritional absorption will be low even with them containing Piperine and these should be taken with a Golden Paste product to ensure maximum nutritional absorption.